Frequently Asked Questions
What is the denominational affiliation of First Church of God?
First Church is affiliated with the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana). The Church of God is committed to the unity and holiness of all believers in Christ. We believe God's intent is for the church to be one body rather than composed of numerous denominations. Link to information about our national affiliation or our state affiliation.
What does First Church believe about membership?
The Church of God does not have formal membership. We believe that having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ automatically makes one a part of the church.
What does First Church believe about living the Christian life?
God calls us to live a holy life by the power of the Holy Spirit. Signs of healthy spirituality are: thinking more like Jesus, mastering our emotions, relating authentically, being disciplined for holiness and ministry, and being personally engaged in service for God's kingdom.
What does First Church believe about spiritual gifts?
Every Christian is gifted by the Holy Spirit for ministry in the church and mission in the world. The Holy Spirit determines which gifts a person receives. Believers are given gifts without distinction for gender, race, ethnic background, or social status. Not all believers receive the same gifts. We do not believe speaking in tongues is necessary for living the Spirit-filled life.
What does First Church believe about the ordinances?
We make a distinction between sacraments and ordinances. Some believers teach that participating in baptism and communion is sacramental, i.e., results in eternal salvation. The Church of God believes baptism, communion and footwashing are ordinances. Ordinances are spiritual practices ordained by Jesus Christ, symbolic of the inner state of the Christian life. Participation in the ordinances marks progress in our relationship with Christ but does not lead to salvation. First Church practices communion on a monthly basis and footwashing on Maundy Thursday.
What does First Church believe about baptizing infants?
Baptism is a public testimony of an inner change in life as a result of conversion to Jesus Christ. Since this is not possible for infants, we practice infant dedication rather than baptism. Parents present their children for dedication to God. Infant dedication is more about parents committing themselves to raise their children in a Christian home than a change in the spiritual life of the child presented to God.
What does First Church believe about marriage and sexuality?
The Bible teaches that marriage is a divinely ordained lifelong relationship of oneness between a man and a woman. Sexual relationships belong within the marital bond of a man and woman.
What does it mean to be a Christian?
A Christian is a person who believes Jesus Christ is God's Son, sent to die for our sins. A Christian recognizes his or her need for delivery from personal sin. A Christian is a person who has come to Jesus Christ for victory over sin and help in living a new life. A Christian is not a perfect person but a surrendered person. He or she is devoted to loving God wholeheartedly and loving others with the compassion of Christ. A Christian is a person who is committed to a lifetime of growing to look more like Jesus.
What does First Church believe is necessary for growing as a Christian?
Our vision statement is also our process for making disciples. For growth to occur, we believe every Christian needs to be a regular participant in worship, involved in a small group, and engaged in regular service experiences each year. This process is explained and initiated in our Beginnings Class.
What is the governance structure at First Church?
First Church has a congregational structure. At the annual meeting, the congregation ratifies leaders to serve on the Ministry Council. The Ministry Council is made up of Elders, the heads of five ministry teams and pastoral staff. The Elders provide spiritual leadership and guidance to the congregation. The Ministry Council coordinates the ministry of the church. The pastoral staff equips leaders, facilitates spiritual services and provides pastoral care.
First Church is affiliated with the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana). The Church of God is committed to the unity and holiness of all believers in Christ. We believe God's intent is for the church to be one body rather than composed of numerous denominations. Link to information about our national affiliation or our state affiliation.
What does First Church believe about membership?
The Church of God does not have formal membership. We believe that having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ automatically makes one a part of the church.
What does First Church believe about living the Christian life?
God calls us to live a holy life by the power of the Holy Spirit. Signs of healthy spirituality are: thinking more like Jesus, mastering our emotions, relating authentically, being disciplined for holiness and ministry, and being personally engaged in service for God's kingdom.
What does First Church believe about spiritual gifts?
Every Christian is gifted by the Holy Spirit for ministry in the church and mission in the world. The Holy Spirit determines which gifts a person receives. Believers are given gifts without distinction for gender, race, ethnic background, or social status. Not all believers receive the same gifts. We do not believe speaking in tongues is necessary for living the Spirit-filled life.
What does First Church believe about the ordinances?
We make a distinction between sacraments and ordinances. Some believers teach that participating in baptism and communion is sacramental, i.e., results in eternal salvation. The Church of God believes baptism, communion and footwashing are ordinances. Ordinances are spiritual practices ordained by Jesus Christ, symbolic of the inner state of the Christian life. Participation in the ordinances marks progress in our relationship with Christ but does not lead to salvation. First Church practices communion on a monthly basis and footwashing on Maundy Thursday.
What does First Church believe about baptizing infants?
Baptism is a public testimony of an inner change in life as a result of conversion to Jesus Christ. Since this is not possible for infants, we practice infant dedication rather than baptism. Parents present their children for dedication to God. Infant dedication is more about parents committing themselves to raise their children in a Christian home than a change in the spiritual life of the child presented to God.
What does First Church believe about marriage and sexuality?
The Bible teaches that marriage is a divinely ordained lifelong relationship of oneness between a man and a woman. Sexual relationships belong within the marital bond of a man and woman.
What does it mean to be a Christian?
A Christian is a person who believes Jesus Christ is God's Son, sent to die for our sins. A Christian recognizes his or her need for delivery from personal sin. A Christian is a person who has come to Jesus Christ for victory over sin and help in living a new life. A Christian is not a perfect person but a surrendered person. He or she is devoted to loving God wholeheartedly and loving others with the compassion of Christ. A Christian is a person who is committed to a lifetime of growing to look more like Jesus.
What does First Church believe is necessary for growing as a Christian?
Our vision statement is also our process for making disciples. For growth to occur, we believe every Christian needs to be a regular participant in worship, involved in a small group, and engaged in regular service experiences each year. This process is explained and initiated in our Beginnings Class.
What is the governance structure at First Church?
First Church has a congregational structure. At the annual meeting, the congregation ratifies leaders to serve on the Ministry Council. The Ministry Council is made up of Elders, the heads of five ministry teams and pastoral staff. The Elders provide spiritual leadership and guidance to the congregation. The Ministry Council coordinates the ministry of the church. The pastoral staff equips leaders, facilitates spiritual services and provides pastoral care.